Thematic specials 100 years of LOWA

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How it all began

But don’t be mistaken: This is not some fairy tale. It is a true story. Lorenz, Hans and Adolf Wagner lived in the Bavarian community of Jetzendorf on the river Ilm more than 100 years ago. Their father taught the cobbler trade to them, and the three went on to make Alpine boot history as the founders of the brands LOWA, Hanwag and Hochland. View story …


Lorenz Wagner / 230 Char­acters

“It was the custom back then for country cobblers to also be musicians. I played at weddings and other occasions. I earned a nice pile of money in the process and used it buy the machinery I really needed.” – Lorenz Wagner | LOWA

Sepp Lederer / 296 Char­acters

“The shoe­makers worked in the attic. I was up there, too, as an apprentice. All of us ate in the house, including those who lived in town. Meals were part of our pay. Apprentices had to pay dues – in my case, I had to shine the shoes of the woman who later became my wife.” – Sepp Lederer | LOWA

The next generation

Good and bad fortune were walking hand in hand when the former apprentice Josef Lederer, nicknamed Sepp, returned to LOWA. The company had run into economic problems, and Lorenz Wagner, the head of the company and its founder, had died. At the same time, Sepp fell in love with Berta Wagner and married her. Together with Berta’s brother, Josef Wagner, the new generation managed to save the company and turn it into an inter­na­tionally known and successful brand. View story …

Texts and photo­graphs


Sepp Lederer / 355 Char­acters

“„Einige tüchtige Geschäftsleute haben das ausgenutzt und sagten: Kauft, Kauft! – das wird jetzt dann nur noch teurer! Ein halbes Jahr später war der Korea-Spuk vorbei – und die Leder-Preise purzelten in den Keller. 1950/51 war das, und wir bekamen da eines Tages von der Sparkasse kein Geld mehr, um die Löhne bezahlen zu können.“” – Sepp Lederer | LOWA

Berti Lederer / 447 Char­acters

“Beim Tode meines Vaters im April 1953 war ich hoch­schwanger. Sepp und ich gingen hinter dem Sarg Richtung Friedhof und wir waren über­wältigt von der Anteilnahme, die uns aus Jetzendorf zuteil wurde. Spontan drückte Sepp meinen Arm und sagte mit einem Blick auf die vollzählig erschienen LOWA Mitarbeiter: Wir können unmöglich den Betrieb schließen, das wäre das Letzte, was sich Lorenz gewünscht hätte. Wir machen weiter!” – Berti Lederer | LOWA

New direction

The years of 1992/1993 marked the dawn of a new era at LOWA. Josef Lederer sold the company to Tecnica of Italy, and Werner Riethmann became the company’s new managing director and share­holder. View story …

Texts and photo­graphs


Werner Riethmann / 159 Char­acters

“The alliance with Italy is much more than just a financial matter. It is something that runs through all levels of the company.” – Werner Riethmann | LOWA CEO


Media contact:
Romina Stöcker